
I loved the little paper houses that were posted for our use during the Christmas/winter holidays.  So, thought I would make some for the warmer months.

These were a rousing success with one of my grands.  He is learning about the weather and
was sooo happy to find these houses would blow over for his hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.  So, they have seen a little wear but are none the worse for it.

This paper craft is a little Cul de Sac with three houses, but, you can put one house on a lot and add landscaping.  Either way, it should be a fun project.  Remember to set your printer to landscape or they will print much smaller.  You can glue your homes to the background.


I will post the Pink House here and the other two in the next post – Paper Crafts –
Home Models – Green and Brick House w/Landscaping.  If you can’t find
it click on Paper Crafts on menu to your right.

Click to make sure each is enlarged then save to your computer.